
Clothing. We can make clothing a simple thing that you can include in your 72-hr kit.  We will discuss some of these.  If this is your first time putting together a 72-hr kit and have a limited budget start out by planning for simple methods and then add or increase as you can.

Things to consider for Clothing:

  • Consider who you are preparing for, Adult, child or baby.
  • Consider health, such as bad knees or back, etc
  • Weight of the clothing (this is probably the hardest, since the more you take the more it weighs)
  • Size of the clothing (if you are using old clothes, which is a good inexpensive way, does it still fit?)
  • Consider the environment you live in, here in Colorado it can get pretty cold, should always assume it going to be cold, easier to take it off then not have it.

I would recommend at a minimum the following, then add or adjust as needed:

  • One complete change of clothing and footwear for each household member
  • Sturdy work shoes or boots
  • Rain gear
  • Hat
  • Gloves
  • Socks
  • Underwear
  • Thermal underwear
  • Jacket/Sweatshirt
  • Sunglasses
  • Any Specialty Items for Baby, Elderly or pets.
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