Water Storage

Water is one of the most critical needs we humans have.  A person can live a very short time without water.  In an emergency, FEMA recommends at least one gallon of water per day per person for two weeks. That’s 14 gallons of water per person.  A family of four would need 56 gallons of water as a minimum.

One gallon of water weighs just over eight pounds. A 5-gallon container of water is just over 40 pounds and a filled 55-gallon barrel weighs about 460 pounds.  A 5-gallon container is convenient because they are easier to move and can be stored in more places around the house.

Empty juice or soda bottles can also be used after they are washed properly.

If you want to get the 16.9 oz bottles of water for long-term storage it is recommended that you use bottles with thicker plastic to help ensure they hold up over time and don’t leak.  If you buy a case of 24 bottles, you will need 4 ½ cases to get the 14 gallons that one person would need.

Milk jugs or similar plastic containers will leak over time. 

Where to store your water.  Remember that the water you store could alleviate significant discomfort.  It could save your life – or the life of others.  Be creative and develop your plan to store your water.  Some ideas might include back corners of closets, back rows of deep shelves or under the bed.

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